Exploring the Mutual Memory of Tropical Cyclones and Upper Ocean ConditionsAbstract Pending

Wang Shuai*

#Session 6 - Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: From Weather to Climate Scales

The impact of tropical cyclone outer size on ocean surface responsesAbstract Pending

Ruan Zhenxin*

#Session 6 - Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: From Weather to Climate Scales

Tracing the Fate of Excess Heat in the Indian Ocean Following the Hiatus PeriodAbstract Pending

Lyu Yilong, LI YUANLONG, Zhu Yingli, Han Weiqing*

#Session 60 - Indian Ocean Dynamics, Air-sea Interaction and Biogeochemical Cycles

Heavy metal risks in aquatic foodsAbstract Pending

Xu Hao, Zhang Wenbo*, Newton Richard, Love David

#Session 61 - Advancing Blue Food Futures Towards Ocean Conservation and Global Resilience

Identification of Coastal Aquaculture Ponds Using an Object-Oriented Approach for the Potential Mangrove Blue Carbon ProjectsAbstract Pending

Lin Chen, Chen Luzhen*

#Session 31 - Blue Carbon: from Science, Restoration and Trading

Characteristics of ice nucleating particles in tropical marine atmospheresAbstract Pending

Hu Wei*, Duan Peimin, Jin Rui, Wu Zhijun, Fu Pingqing, Niu Mutong

#Session 47 - Marine aerosols: from observation to model simulation

Dynamics of the Summer Counter-Wind Current Along South Sri Lanka CoastAbstract Pending

Han Weiqing, WANG WEIQIANG*, Xin Hongyu, Xie Qiang, Xu Kang, Arulananthan K., Tennakoon Kamal, Huang Ke

#Session 60 - Indian Ocean Dynamics, Air-sea Interaction and Biogeochemical Cycles

Deep reaching wave energy-flux in the off-equatorial Pacific Ocean during the El Niño and La Niña eventsAbstract Pending

Wu Borui*, Aiki Hidenori

#Session 5 - ENSO dynamics and its influence on other basins based on theory, observation and modeling.

Effects of accumulated thermal damage on microbial community dynamicsAbstract Pending

Wu Zhen*, Forget Gael, Follows Mick, Casey John

#Session 30 - Planktonic and Microbial Contributions to Marine Ecosystems and Biogeochemistry: Insights from Observations, Experiments, and Modeling

No detectable long-term tendency in the seasonal variability of sea surface carbon isotope ratios in the South China Sea during the late QuaternaryAbstract Pending

Yuan Zijie, Huang Enqing*

#Session 53 - Geological analogues for future warm ocean and climate

Independent Bottom Marine Heatwaves in the East China Sea Driven by Oceanic CirculationAbstract Pending

Gao Jiaxiang, Zhi Hai, Zhang Rong-Hua*

#Session 4 - Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Observations and Modeling

Digital Twin Technology: Application Value and Technological Path in the Maritime DomainAbstract Pending

Liu Jian, Yu Jingjing*, Lin Chuyong, He Min, Li Qi

#Session 32 - Digital twins of the ocean (DTO) and its applications

Response of marine planktonic ecosystem to summertime subseasonal drivers in the South China Sea: A model studyAbstract Pending

Lu Wenfang*

#Session 11 - Recent Advances in Modelling the Ocean Carbon Cycle Across Scales

Macromolecular Mechanisms of Phytoplankton-derived Detritus in Oceanic Nutrient CyclingAbstract Pending

杜 墨戈, Keisuke Inomura*, Gabrielle Armin

#Session 30 - Planktonic and Microbial Contributions to Marine Ecosystems and Biogeochemistry: Insights from Observations, Experiments, and Modeling

Diverse responses of juvenile and adult Saccharina japonica sporophytes to the combined effects of copper and ocean acidificationAbstract Pending

Chu Yaoyao*, Shi Yun

#Session 9 - Global Ocean Changes: Regional Processes and Ecological Impacts

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