Conservation Needs of Marine ETP Species – Case Study of Seahorse (Hippocampus spp.) and Finless Porpoise (Neophocaena spp.)Abstract Pending

Liu Lebin*, Wang Songlin

#Session 72 - Sea turtle conservation: management, academic and outreach perspectives

Revisiting the Hydrographic Changes in the Upper Beaufort Gyre During Its RelaxationAbstract Pending

Zhong Wenli*, Steele Michael, Zhang Jinlun, Zhao Jinping

#Session 2 - Arctic Ocean: Physical Processes and their Effects on Climate and the Ecosystem

Exploration of Satellite Data Capabilities for Detecting and Distinguishing Phaeocystis globosa Blooms: A Case Study of the Xiamen BayAbstract Pending

Zheng Lufei*, Zhang Caiyun, Lee Zhongping, Shang Shaoling, Yu Xiaolong

#Session 12 - Alleviating the impact of emerging Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) to coastal ecosystems and seafood safety for a sustainable and healthy Ocean

Research on antibiotic resistance genes in wild and artificially bred green turtles (Chelonia mydas)Abstract Pending

Niu Xin, Lin Liu, Zhang Ting, An Xiaoyu, Li Yupei, Yu Yangfei, Hong Meiling, Shi Haitao, Ding Li*

#Session 72 - Sea turtle conservation: management, academic and outreach perspectives

Regional projection on phytoplankton communityAbstract Pending

Shen Jia-Wei, Zhao Liang*, Guo Gang, Wei Hao

#Session 50 - Advancing marine ecosystem modeling for a predictable and sustainable ocean

The role Arctic Ocean play in global N2O budgetAbstract Pending

ZHAN Liyang*

#Session 3 - The nitrogen cycle towards a sustainable ocean: from microbes to global biogeochemistry

Enhancing Sediment Model by Incorporating Spatial-Temporal Variability in Particle Size and Settling Velocity Using Machine Learning Coupled with Numerical ModelsAbstract Pending

Xiao Ziyu*

#Session 24 - Estuaries and coastal environments stress - Observations and modelling

Deriving saltwater predicted no-effect concentration of tributyltin using taxon-specific adverse outcome pathwaysAbstract Pending

Li Zhaochuan, Wang Ying*

#Session 57 - Contaminants across the marine continuum: behavior, fate and ecological risk assessment

Advancing Marine Sustainability and the Blue Economy through Digital Twin TechnologyAbstract Pending


#Session 32 - Digital twins of the ocean (DTO) and its applications

Interaction of Tides with Recurring Polynya in an Arctic FjordAbstract Pending

Shan Shiliang*, Hannah Charles, Valle-Levinson Arnoldo

#Session 2 - Arctic Ocean: Physical Processes and their Effects on Climate and the Ecosystem

Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity of Marine Atmospheric Nitrate SourcesAbstract Pending

Ni Yuanzhe, Qi Jianhua*, Luo Li

#Session 25 - IGAC-SOLAS: Chemistry and physics at surface ocean and lower atmosphere

Sea ice decline in the eastern Arctic results in expansion of the freshened surface layerAbstract Pending

Rogozhin Vladimir*, Osadchiev Alexander, Savin Alexander, Rogozhina Ekaterina, Konovalova Olga, Georgiev Anton, Kivva Kirill

#Session 2 - Arctic Ocean: Physical Processes and their Effects on Climate and the Ecosystem

Climatic shifts and increased anthropogenic nitrogen footprints correlate with increased severity and duration of blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis in the Gulf of Mexico over the past 50 yearsAbstract Pending

Glibert Patricia*, Heil Cynthia, Li Ming

#Session 13 - Coastal Environmental Ecology under anthropogenic activities and natural changes

On the early detection of Polar Lows: possible criteria analysis and case studiesAbstract Pending

Vazaeva Natalia*, Chkhetiani Otto, Kurgansky Mikhael, He Bian

#Session 4 - Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Observations and Modeling

Design of Measurement, Monitoring and Verification (MMV) Plan for Targeted Risk associated with offshore CCUSAbstract Pending

Bull Jonathan*, Schapp Allison, Morris Andrew, White Paul, Roche Ben

#Session 37 - Offshore Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage

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