Anthropogenic Uranium Isotopes in North Pacific Ocean Reveal its Dominant Source from Pacific Proving GroundAbstract Pending

Lin Mu, Qiao Jixin*, Wang Jingjing, Steier Peter, Corcho-Alvarado José A., Xie Tengxiang, Dai Minhan, Zheng Jian

#Session 57 - Contaminants across the marine continuum: behavior, fate and ecological risk assessment

Assessing Multiple Climate Change Risks and Thresholds for Global MangrovesAbstract Pending

liu huiling, Fang Qinhua*

#Session 59 - Impacts of Climate and Biogeochemical Extremes on Marine Organisms and Ecosystems

Geochemical Characteristics of Hot Spring Travertine in Volcanic Area of Yunnan Province and Its Indicative SignificanceAbstract Pending

Zhao Pengcheng*

#Session 40 - Geochemical characteristics of submarine hydrothermal systems and the evolution of hydrothermal plumes

Quadruple Enhancement of Surface Chlorophyll Growth by Submesocale Fronts of Oceanic EddiesAbstract Pending

Liu Hanrui, Qiu Bo, Wang Hailin, Zhang Zhengguang*

#Session 46 - Oceanic Mesoscale and Submesoscale Processes: Characteristics, Dynamics & Parameterizations

Application of SWOT data in oceanic fine-scale dynamics in the northwestern Pacific and South China SeaAbstract Pending

Miao Mingfang, Zhang Zhiwei*, Zhang Enzhao, Zhao Wei, Tian Jiwei

#Session 46 - Oceanic Mesoscale and Submesoscale Processes: Characteristics, Dynamics & Parameterizations

Low-latitude hydroclimate change since the Late Miocene: Evidence from XRF core scanning on ODP Site 1143Abstract Pending

Hu Jianxiong, Huang Enqing*, Tian Jun

#Session 49 - Neogene climate-carbon dynamics associated with the stepwise closure of the Indonesian Seaway

Development Path of Island Ecotourism Based on Human-Sea InteractionAbstract Pending

Chen Fenggui*

#Session 62 - Assessment and simulation of coupled human-sea systems

CO2 fluxes and dynamics in a tropical seagrass bed ecosystem in Southern ChinaAbstract Pending

Zhang Min*, Tang Chunxue, Huang Tao, Guo Liguo, Shen Yuan, Guo Xianghui, Dai Minhan, Li Yan, Xu Yi

#Session 29 - Advances and Challenges in Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (mCDR)

Decadal Trends in the Southern Ocean Meridional Eddy Heat TransportAbstract Pending

Liu Yinxing, Zhang Zhiwei*, Yuan Qingguo, Zhao Wei

#Session 46 - Oceanic Mesoscale and Submesoscale Processes: Characteristics, Dynamics & Parameterizations

Using dissolved oxygen isotope (δ18O) to quantify sedimentary oxygen consumption and assess oxygen depletion in marginal seasAbstract Pending

Zhu Zhuoyi*, Zhang Zhihao, Hu Huanting, Luo Yushan, Zhai Weidong

#Session 15 - Ocean deoxygenation: drivers, trends, and biogeochemical-ecosystem impacts

On the distribution of 230Th and 231Pa in the Indian OceanAbstract Pending

Zheng Yijie, Luo Yiming*

#Session 34 - Impact of early diagenesis on stable isotope records in marine sediments

Biogeochemical drivers of N2O dynamics along a river-estuary continuum: the critical role of N2O reduction in lowering emissionsAbstract Pending

Wu Xinxiao, Zhang Sibo*

#Session 3 - The nitrogen cycle towards a sustainable ocean: from microbes to global biogeochemistry

Effects of Abscisic Acid on the Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Saccharina japonica Seedlings under High Temperature StressAbstract Pending

Cui Jiexin, Liu Tao*

#Session 61 - Advancing Blue Food Futures Towards Ocean Conservation and Global Resilience

Twilight Struggles: the declining diel Vertical migrators in a warming shelf seaAbstract Pending

Nie Lingyun, Li Jianchao*, Liu Yang, Sun Peng, Ye Zhenjiang, Ma Shuyang, Zhang Wenchao, Tian Yongjun

#Session 22 - Impacts of climate change and human activity on ocean food production

Characterization and future projection of marine heatwaves under climate change in the South China SeaAbstract Pending

Yang Yifei, Dong ChangMing*, Sun WenJin

#Session 24 - Estuaries and coastal environments stress - Observations and modelling

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