Design of Buoyant Mineral Carriers for The Application of Ocean Alkalinity EnhancementAbstract Pending

Zhenghao Liu, Zhimian Cao*, Yuan Jiang, Yan Li

#Session 29 - Advances and Challenges in Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (mCDR)

The remarkable but varied photosensitized oxidation by atmospheric humic-like substances (HULIS) at the air-water interfaceAbstract Pending

Yang Ning, Fu Pingqing*

#Session 47 - Marine aerosols: from observation to model simulation

Nutrients fluxes with rivers runoff and response of receiving basins ecosystems on both sides of the Kamchatka PeninsulaAbstract Pending

Semkin Pavel*

#Session 18 - The River-Estuary-Bay Continuum: Unveiling the Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles Under Global Change

The physicochemical properties and ice-nucleating ability of dust particles from the Inner Mongolia desertsAbstract Pending

Chen Yiting, Li Jun, Wang Bingbing*

#Session 25 - IGAC-SOLAS: Chemistry and physics at surface ocean and lower atmosphere

Different physiochemical properties and mixing state of atmospheric particles collected over South China Sea and western PacificAbstract Pending

Zhang Tian, Chen Jiemin, Wang Bingbing*

#Session 25 - IGAC-SOLAS: Chemistry and physics at surface ocean and lower atmosphere

Energetics and variability of semidiurnal Internal Tides on the East China Sea shelf: local generation and onshore propagationAbstract Pending

Yang Tianyu, Yang Wei*

#Session 70 - Internal Waves and Ocean Mixing

Climatic effects of the Indian Ocean tripole on the western United States in boreal summerAbstract Pending

Zhang Yazhou, Li Jianping*, Hou Zhaolu, Zuo Bin

#Session 20 - Decadal Climate Variability: Key Processes of Air-Sea Interaction, Mechanisms and Predictability

Influence of sea ridge on the vertical distribution of twilight zone zooplankton community in the Indian OceanAbstract Pending

Karim Md Abdul, Liu Jiaxing, Ding Xiang, Tan Yehui*

#Session 19 - Marine Plankton Ecosystem and Global Climate Change

Coastal ecosystem model coupling multiple human activities and its applicationAbstract Pending

Shi Honghua*, Yin Liting

#Session 62 - Assessment and simulation of coupled human-sea systems

China coasts facing more tropical cyclone risks during the second decaying summer of double-year La Niña eventsAbstract Pending

Luo Xi, Yang Lei*, Peng Qihua, Wang Dongxiao, Chen Sheng, Chan Johnny

#Session 6 - Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: From Weather to Climate Scales

Precipitation Anomaly over the Tibetan Plateau affected by Tropical Sea-Surface Temperatures and Mid-Latitude Atmospheric Circulation in SeptemberAbstract Pending

Zhang Ping, Duan Anmin*

#Session 4 - Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Observations and Modeling

Recent (last 25 years) evolution of particulate river discharge into the ocean in temperate and Arctic regions based on field and satellite observations. Impacts of climate change effects and human activities.Abstract Pending

Louis Terrats, David Doxaran*, Christophe Rabouille, Anastasia Tarasenko, Bernard Gentili

#Session 54 - Remote sensing of coastal zone and sustainable development

Cyanobacteria dominate particulate organic carbon export to the mesopelagic oligotrophic oceanAbstract Pending

Tang Tiantian, Zhang Jingjing*, Chi Guangxi, Li Hongliang, Chen Jianfang

#Session 28 - Towards a Holistic Understanding of the Ocean's Biological Carbon Pump

Quantifying and simulating China’s coastal squeeze between marine protected areas and urbanizationAbstract Pending

Xu Zhibin, Chen Mingbao*

#Session 62 - Assessment and simulation of coupled human-sea systems

Checklist of Marine Fishes in the Beibu Gulf: Implications for Resource Protection and Marine Protected AreasAbstract Pending

Yan Yunrong*, Luo Zhisen

#Session 48 - Ecological and Socio-Economic Benefits of Marine Protected Areas

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