Construction of high resolution maritime multi-regional input–output table for China's bay areas (BAY-MMRIO)Abstract Pending

Li Man, Feng Kuishuang*

#Session 68 - New Quality Productive Forces and High-Quality Development of the Marine Economy

The Role of Summer Monsoon in Shaping Sea Ice VariabilityAbstract Pending

Wu Zhiwei*, Zhu Jiawei

#Session 20 - Decadal Climate Variability: Key Processes of Air-Sea Interaction, Mechanisms and Predictability

Effect of East Asian aerosol deposition on viral activity and community structure in the China's marginal seaAbstract Pending

Jiang Tong, Guo Cui*

#Session 25 - IGAC-SOLAS: Chemistry and physics at surface ocean and lower atmosphere

Microbial Communities Under Pressure: Unveiling the Universal Principles of Nutrient Enrichment on Coastal EcosystemsAbstract Pending

Dai Tianjiao, Wen Donghui*

#Session 51 - The changing coastal environment: from Land-sourced pollution to marine ecological risk

Impact of Solar Radiation Induced Ocean-Atmosphere Flux Changes on Cross-Front Winds During Upwelling EventsAbstract Pending

Xue Huijie*, Tian Xinyu

#Session 25 - IGAC-SOLAS: Chemistry and physics at surface ocean and lower atmosphere

Teleconnections among tipping elements in the Earth systemAbstract Pending

FAN Jingfang*

#Session 55 - Coastal Zone Evolution and Tipping Process

Study on spatial planning for marine protected areas in the Bohai Sea based on ecosystem dynamicsAbstract Pending

Sun Runlong, Zhao Linlin*

#Session 22 - Impacts of climate change and human activity on ocean food production

The Role of the Tropical Atlantic in Tropical Pacific Climate VariabilityAbstract Pending

Zhao Yingying*

#Session 5 - ENSO dynamics and its influence on other basins based on theory, observation and modeling.

Spatiotemporal variations of emerging and legacy per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances in the Bohai SeaAbstract Pending

Tang Jianhui*, Xin Xinqi, Pan Yitao, Zhang Jian, Dong Fengfeng, Dai Jiayin

#Session 69 - Emerging Contaminants in the Marine Environment and Polar Region: Processes, Effects, and Health

Projection of iron speciation and bioavailability into the 21st Century.Abstract Pending

Gledhill Martha*, Liu Fengjie

#Session 9 - Global Ocean Changes: Regional Processes and Ecological Impacts

Chronology of core sediments from the south coastal Bohai Sea of eastern Asia and its implications for sedimentary historyAbstract Pending

蒋 若琳, 赖 忠平*

#Session 27 - Coastal environment evolution : from the past to the future

Variability in the Volume Transport of the Deep Overflow across the 10°S Saddle on the Ninetyeast RidgeAbstract Pending

Zhang Shanwu*, Qiu Fuwen

#Session 60 - Indian Ocean Dynamics, Air-sea Interaction and Biogeochemical Cycles

Enhancing subseasonal surface air temperature and heat wave prediction skill in China by considering scale interaction within a deep learning modelAbstract Pending

Xie Jiehong, Hsu Pang-Chi*

#Session 4 - Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Observations and Modeling

Reconstructing the Pacific Decadal Oscillation over the last 2000 years by fusing global terrestrial and marine recordsAbstract Pending

梁 日升, 胡 俊*

#Session 20 - Decadal Climate Variability: Key Processes of Air-Sea Interaction, Mechanisms and Predictability

Estimate the interannual variability of subtropical AMOC using sea surface heightAbstract Pending

Si Wen, Li Feili*

#Session 41 - The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability and its Climatic Impacts

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