Sub and mesoscale response of eukaryotic phytoplankton to eddies in the northwest South China SeaAbstract Pending

Guo Jia, Liu Jiaxing, Tan Yehui*

#Session 44 - Western Boundary Currents, Eddies and Their Impacts on Multi-disciplinary Aspects

Sea Level Prediction in the Kuroshio Extension Region Based on ConvLSTMAbstract Pending

Duotian Huang, Cheng Xuhua*

#Session 23 - Sea level rise: understanding, observing, and modelling

Linking weather and climate dynamics in extreme precipitationAbstract Pending

聂 绩*

#Session 4 - Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Observations and Modeling

Investigating the Fate of River-Related Microplastic Pollution in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: A High-Resolution Model StudyAbstract Pending

Zhou Xing*, Xiao Shuolin, Ramirez Mireya, Kanawati Aya, Bracco Annalisa

#Session 56 - Marine Microplastics: Novel Methods, Transportation processes and Ecological effects

Near-term future sea-level projections supported by extrapolation of tide-gauge observationsAbstract Pending

Wang Jinping*, Zhang Xuebin, Church John, King Matt, Chen Xianyao

#Session 23 - Sea level rise: understanding, observing, and modelling

ECOP in the UN Ocean Decade and beyondAbstract Pending

Saito Hiroaki*, Tanaka Kotaro, Yushi Morioka

#Session 67 - Advancing Ocean Sustainability: The Role of Early Career Ocean Professionals in Capacity Building, Ocean Literacy and Collaborative Leadership

Exploring Global Upper Ocean Marine Heatwaves in Coupled GFDL and NCAR modelsAbstract Pending

Li Xinru*, John Krasting, Gustavo Marques

#Session 4 - Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Observations and Modeling

The linkage of Dense Shelf Water production in the Ross Sea with large-scale climate forcingAbstract Pending

Zhang Zhaoru*, Xie Chuan, Castagno Pasquale, England Matthew, Wang Xiaoqiao, Dinniman Michael, Silvano Alessandro, Wang Chuning, Zhou Lei, Li Xichen, Zhou Meng, Budillon Giorgio

#Session 7 - Advances in the Oceanography of the Ross Sea

Cascading Erosion in the Tide-Dominated Changjiang Delta and its Distal Mud Disclosed by Repeating Radionuclide MeasurementsAbstract Pending

Fan Daidu*, Wu Yijing, Su Jianfeng

#Session 27 - Coastal environment evolution : from the past to the future

Changes in carbon cycling in the Weddell Sea seasonal ice zone revealed by biogeochemical-Argo floatsAbstract Pending

Yang Xiang*, Strutton Pete, Wynn-Edwards Cathryn, Shadwick Elizabeth

#Session 21 - Leveraging Autonomous Platforms to Study Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Dynamics

The role of Arctic sea ice loss in the interdecadal trends of the East Asian summer monsoon in a warming climateAbstract Pending

何 编*

#Session 4 - Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Observations and Modeling

Spatial variability in alkaline earth metals of surface sediments from the Jiulong River mouth, southeast China: implications for hydro-sedimentary dynamic processes and sedimentary faciesAbstract Pending

Pan Dadong*, Wang Zhanghua, Li Shuyu

#Session 27 - Coastal environment evolution : from the past to the future

Carbon dioxide and methane concentration and emissions from human-impacted inlands water-estuary system in Terengganu Basin (Malaysia)Abstract Pending

Poh Seng Chee*, Mohd Ludin Siti Farhain, Lee Daryl Jia Jun, ZHAN Liyang, Wong Wei Wen

#Session 18 - The River-Estuary-Bay Continuum: Unveiling the Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles Under Global Change

Investigations into coastal hydrodynamics based on High Frequency radar observationsAbstract Pending

任 磊*, Hartnett Michael

#Session 54 - Remote sensing of coastal zone and sustainable development

A two-layered ecosystem model for the stratified oceanAbstract Pending

Zheng Qi*

#Session 30 - Planktonic and Microbial Contributions to Marine Ecosystems and Biogeochemistry: Insights from Observations, Experiments, and Modeling

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