Observational Analysis of Vertical Heat Flux Caused by Typhoon‐Induced Near‐Inertial Waves Under the Modulation of Mesoscale EddiesAbstract Pending

Lu Xiaojie, Dong Changming*, ZHANG Han

#Session 6 - Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: From Weather to Climate Scales

Proton-Pumping Rhodopsin: A Key Microbial Strategy for Fully Utilizing Light Energy in the South China SeaAbstract Pending

Ma Minglei, Lin Senjie*, Wang Jingtian

#Session 58 - Molecular approaches integrated with AI to Oceanography: from DNA to global-scale processes

Temporal and Spatial Variations and Prediction of Diversity-Stability Relationships in Fish Communities of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea under Climate ChangeAbstract Pending

CUI Xiaoyue*

#Session 50 - Advancing marine ecosystem modeling for a predictable and sustainable ocean

Fluoxetine modulates thermal plasticity and transcriptome in marine diatoms: Emphasizing interactions between anthropogenic pollution and climate changeAbstract Pending

Li Zhenzhen, Gaitan-Espitia Juan Diego*

#Session 9 - Global Ocean Changes: Regional Processes and Ecological Impacts

Ocean acidification affects a wide range of taxa and gene functions on marine plastic biofilmsAbstract Pending

Kerfahi Dorsaf, Adams Jonathan M.*, Hall-Spencer Jason M.

#Session 9 - Global Ocean Changes: Regional Processes and Ecological Impacts

Geometric Algebra and Hypercomplex Signal Processing in the Digital Twin of the CoastAbstract Pending

YU Zhaoyuan*

#Session 55 - Coastal Zone Evolution and Tipping Process

Paleo-productivity reconstructions along the eastern coast of Australia: Implications for the variability of the East Australian Current over the last 1000 yearsAbstract Pending

Huang Zirong, Mohtadi Mahyar, Steinke Stephan*, Chen Anran, Zhai Ruixiang

#Session 44 - Western Boundary Currents, Eddies and Their Impacts on Multi-disciplinary Aspects

Digital Twin Ocean for China Coastal SeasAbstract Pending


#Session 32 - Digital twins of the ocean (DTO) and its applications

Impacts of PV- Circulation Crossing the Boundaries of Northern Troposphere on Climate Variability and Extreme WeatherAbstract Pending

Wu Guoxiong*, Liu Yimin, He Bian, Sheng Chen, Li Yanxi

#Session 4 - Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Observations and Modeling

Unraveling the assembly mechanisms and temporal patterns of protist cell-associated and free-living bacterial communities during two Prorocentrum shikokuense bloomsAbstract Pending

Wang Xiaoyu, LIN Xin*, Li Ling, Yuan Huatao, Lin Sitong, Wu Wenxue, LUO Hao

#Session 19 - Marine Plankton Ecosystem and Global Climate Change

Humic acid modulates the toxicity of differentially charged polystyrene nanoplastics to freshwater microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris)Abstract Pending


#Session 56 - Marine Microplastics: Novel Methods, Transportation processes and Ecological effects

Quantitative analysis of molecular diversity of harmful algal bloom speciesAbstract Pending

Chen Nansheng*

#Session 12 - Alleviating the impact of emerging Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) to coastal ecosystems and seafood safety for a sustainable and healthy Ocean

Reconstruction and Interpretation of Global Ocean Dissolved Oxygen from 1960 to 2023 Based on Spatiotemporal Machine LearningAbstract Pending

Han Mingyu, Zhou Taoyun*

#Session 59 - Impacts of Climate and Biogeochemical Extremes on Marine Organisms and Ecosystems

Changes in the Water Properties and Water Leakage of Mesoscale EddyAbstract Pending

Lin Yanjiang*

#Session 44 - Western Boundary Currents, Eddies and Their Impacts on Multi-disciplinary Aspects

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