1166 / 2024-09-20 15:52:21
Cnidarian peptide: a new source of various hormone signaling molecules against central nervous systems disease
Cnidarian,peptide,hormone signaling,nervous systems disease
Session 58 - Molecular approaches integrated with AI to Oceanography: from DNA to global-scale processes
Abstract Accepted
Our recent multi-omics studies have identified abundant sources of novel bioactive proteins and polypeptides from cnidarians, which hold potential for drug discovery and development. We conducted a comprehensive transcriptomic and proteomic analysis to characterize the compositional profiles of polypeptides from various cnidarian species, in which several hormone neuropeptides were identified. NPY-like peptides are highly conserved across invertebrates and vertebrates throughout evolution; however, the functions of invertebrate NPY-like peptides remain largely unknown. Furthermore, several novel neuropeptide Y/F-like peptides have been identified as ligands for various human neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptor isoforms, which play crucial roles in the physiological regulation and homeostasis of the central nervous system (CNS) and the cerebral vascular system. Neuroactive peptides that target the CNS via NPY receptors may offer insights that could facilitate drug treatments for neurological diseases. This presentation will focus on neuroprotective agents and those affecting cerebral vascular reactivity derived from cnidarian neuroactive peptides.