Microplastics and associated emerging contaminants in marine fishAbstract Accepted
Xiaoxuan Yu, Qilin Gutang, Yuxuan Wang, Yongyu Li, Wenhua Liu, Xinhong Wang*
#Session 69 - Emerging Contaminants in the Marine Environment and Polar Region: Processes, Effects, and Health
Impact of Phytoplankton Activity on the Ice Nucleation Potential of Marine AerosolsAbstract Accepted
Jiao Xue, Peihong Kang, Kunshan Gao, Tiantian Tang, Bingbing Wang*
#Session 25 - IGAC-SOLAS: Chemistry and physics at surface ocean and lower atmosphere
Internal Lee Wave Generation and Modulation by Tidal FlowsAbstract Accepted
Lin Meiling, Xiaolin BAI, Zhiyu Liu*
#Session 70 - Internal Waves and Ocean Mixing
Labile Fe redox transformation controls the benthic trace elements cycling in estuarine environmentsAbstract Accepted
Zhe Zhou*
#Session 10 - The biogeochemistry of trace metals in a changing ocean
Coral record the expansion of the Western Pacific Warm Pool since the Industrial RevolutionAbstract Accepted
Xiaohua Li, Zhanqing Zhang, Shijian Hu*
#Session 65 - Oceanic-atmospheric processes over the Indian and western Pacific Oceans
Non-invasive heart rate monitoring opens up new avenues for research in sea turtlesAbstract Accepted
Tomoko Narazaki*, Hiromi Kudo, Masanori Mori, Masanori Kurita
#Session 72 - Sea turtle and marine mammal conservation: management, academic and outreach perspectives
Coupled Glacier-Climate simulation of the Third Pole during LGM and beyondAbstract Accepted
Qiang Wei*
#Session 42 - Deep-time ocean and climate changes: insights from models and proxies
Enhanced terrestrial Hg fluxes during carbon release at the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event (T-OAE)Abstract Accepted
yuqing Zhu, B. Kemp David*
#Session 42 - Deep-time ocean and climate changes: insights from models and proxies
The ocean’s interior and its role in the carbon cyclingAbstract Accepted
Gerhard J. Herndl*, Chie Amano, Thomas Reinthaler, Zihao Zhao
#Keynote Session
Shell proteome plasticity assists oyster larval biomineralization in adverse carbonate chemistryAbstract Accepted
Alessia Carini*, Juan Diego Gaitan-Espitia, Vengatesen Thiyagarajan
#Session 59 - Impacts of Climate and Biogeochemical Extremes on Marine Organisms and Ecosystems
Preservation and Reactivity of Organic Matter in Surface Sediments of the Largest Marginal Sea of the Arctic OceanAbstract Accepted
Zhongqiao Li*
#Session 45 - New Data and Technologies Driven Insights into Marine Organic Matter Cycling
Regulation of Ocean Surface Currents and Seasonal Sea Ice Variations on the Occurrence and Transport of Organophosphate Esters in the Central Arctic OceanAbstract Accepted
Yuxin Ma*, Jinghua Zhang
#Session 25 - IGAC-SOLAS: Chemistry and physics at surface ocean and lower atmosphere
Atmospheric deposition of Source Resolved Trace Elements and Nitrogen into Asian Pacific OceansAbstract Accepted
Yan Zhang*, Shenglan Jiang, Chenji Jin, Jia Liu
#Session 25 - IGAC-SOLAS: Chemistry and physics at surface ocean and lower atmosphere
Light absorption properties of Phaeocystis globosa colonies in the China SeasAbstract Accepted
Xue Li, Shaoling Shang*, Zhongping Lee, Bangyi Tao, Gao Yue, Zhangxi Hu, Dongmei Lian
#Session 54 - Remote sensing of coastal zone and sustainable development
Tracking the seasonal dynamics of virus-microbe communities in subtropical waters using multi-omicsAbstract Accepted
Yangbing XU, Wenqian XU, Ruixian Sun, Charmaine Yung*
#Session 58 - Molecular approaches integrated with AI to Oceanography: from DNA to global-scale processes