Temporal and Spatial Variations in Surface Sediment Grain Size in Weihai Bay and Their Controlling FactorsAbstract Pending

Hou Yishu, Yu Fengling*

#Session 27 - Coastal environment evolution : from the past to the future

Isolation and characterization of a novel phage infecting Vibrio parahaemolyticus.Abstract Pending

Ding Bo, Luo Yawei*

#Session 30 - Planktonic and Microbial Contributions to Marine Ecosystems and Biogeochemistry: Insights from Observations, Experiments, and Modeling

Increased mineral-associated organic carbon and persistent molecules in allochthonous blue carbon ecosystemsAbstract Pending

Li Yuan*

#Session 31 - Blue Carbon: from Science, Restoration and Trading

Lagrangian Perspective on the Decadal Variability of the Subpolar AMOCAbstract Pending

Ding Yanwei, Zou Sijia*

#Session 41 - The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability and its Climatic Impacts

Orbital and Millennial Variations in Wildfires Recorded in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf over the Last Glacial CycleAbstract Pending

Liu Yaru, Yao Zhengquan*

#Session 16 - Integrating Geological Records and Numerical Modeling in the Era of Data Science: Climate and Ocean Change Across Timescales

Impact of the Tibetan-Iranian Plateau on Phase-Preferred Rossby Waves and Related Heat ExtremesAbstract Pending

Chen Huayu, Liu Yimin*, Jiang Jilan, Zhu Tao

#Session 4 - Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Observations and Modeling

Exploring the driving mechanisms behind variations in 87Sr/86Sr ratios in Neoproterozoic-Cambrian oceansAbstract Pending

Ran Bo*

#Session 42 - Deep-time ocean and climate changes: insights from models and proxies

Deep-learning Models and Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) of the Indonesian ThroughflowAbstract Pending

Wang Zihao, Xue Huijie*, Wang Yuan

#Session 32 - Digital twins of the ocean (DTO) and its applications

Nest site selection by green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) and implications for conservation in Qilianyu, Xisha Islands, South China SeaAbstract Pending

Zhang Ting, An Xiaoyu, Zhang Chenglong, Liu Yunteng, Li Yupei, Yu Yangfei, Wang Jichao, Lin Liu, Shi Hai-Tao*

#Session 72 - Sea turtle conservation: management, academic and outreach perspectives

Interannual variations of the U-shaped front in the East China Sea and its influence on the summer stratificationAbstract Pending

Chen Han, Xue Huijie*

#Session 27 - Coastal environment evolution : from the past to the future

South Asian monsoon induced upper ocean hydrographic changes in the eastern Arabian Sea during the middle MioceneAbstract Pending

Steinke Stephan*, Jeroen Groeneveld, Chen Anran, Giosan Liviu, Zou Shixian

#Session 8 - Modern and past processes of ocean-atmosphere-climate interactions in the low-latitude Pacific and Indian Ocean

Revisiting the ocean color algorithms for particulate organic carbon and chlorophyll-a concentrations in the Ross SeaAbstract Pending

陈 双玲*, Smith Walker

#Session 7 - Advances in the Oceanography of the Ross Sea

Cross-shore sediment transport on an open tidal flat: Wind-driven flow reversal and fluid mudAbstract Pending

Peng Yun, Yu Qian*, Gao Jianhua, Gao Shu

#Session 17 - Advances in Coastal Hydrodynamics and Sediment Dynamics for a Sustainable Ocean

Compositions, sources, and formation processes of atmospheric aerosols in the marine atmosphere of coastal ChinaAbstract Pending

黄 侃*

#Session 47 - Marine aerosols: from observation to model simulation

Physical-Biogeochemical Coupling Mechanisms of Deoxygenation Events in the East China SeaAbstract Pending

XU Xiaoping, Xue Huijie*

#Session 15 - Ocean deoxygenation: drivers, trends, and biogeochemical-ecosystem impacts

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