Direct observational evidence of strong CO2 uptake in the Southern OceanAbstract Pending

Dong Yuanxu*, Bakker Dorothee, Bell Thomas, Yang Mingxi, Landschützer Peter, Hauck Judith, Rödenbeck Christian, Kitidis Vassilis, Bushinsky Seth, Liss Peter

#Session 25 - IGAC-SOLAS: Chemistry and physics at surface ocean and lower atmosphere

Behaviors of dissolved trace elements associated with humic dissolved organic matters of different origins in coastal seawaterAbstract Pending

Chen Xiaoyu, Kwon Hyeong Kyu, Kim Guebuem*, Kim Intae

#Session 10 - The biogeochemistry of trace metals in a changing ocean

Recent Emerging Shifts in Precipitation Intensity and Frequency in the Global Tropics Observed by Satellite Precipitation Data SetsAbstract Pending

Fu Yuxia*, Wu Qiaoyan

#Session 4 - Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Observations and Modeling

Tropical Cyclone Fullness and Outer Region Size Growth: the Role of Spatial Distribution of Very Deep ConvectionAbstract Pending

Hong Jiacheng*, Wu Qiaoyan

#Session 6 - Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: From Weather to Climate Scales

Modelling study on hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in estuarine environment: Two case studies in Yalu River Estuary and Batemans Bay in China and AustraliaAbstract Pending

Yang Gang*

#Session 24 - Estuaries and coastal environments stress - Observations and modelling

Expanded subsurface ocean anoxia in the Atlantic during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal MaximumAbstract Pending

Yao Weiqi*, Kong Tianshu, Wang Xingchen, Zhai Ruixiang, Zhang Ruiling, Liu Yilin

#Session 15 - Ocean deoxygenation: drivers, trends, and biogeochemical-ecosystem impacts

Comparative analysis of rights-based fisheries management: Enhancing global fisheries sustainability through use rights optimizationAbstract Pending

Zhao Xin*

#Session 61 - Advancing Blue Food Futures Towards Ocean Conservation and Global Resilience

Variations in Cloud Concentration Nuclei Related to Continental Air Pollution Control and Maritime Fuel Regulation over the Northwest Pacific OceanAbstract Pending

Yao Xiaohong*, Sun Lei

#Session 47 - Marine aerosols: from observation to model simulation

Impacts of Sea Surface Temperature Gradient on Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillation over Indian OceanAbstract Pending

Li Baosheng*, Zhou Lei

#Session 65 - Oceanic-atmospheric processes over the Indian and western Pacific Oceans

Marine phytoplankton responses to typhoon events with different tracks in the Pearl River Estuary based on numerical simulationAbstract Pending

Zhang Xin*

#Session 6 - Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: From Weather to Climate Scales

Nitrogen fixation in the river-estuary-coastal ocean continuum: Jiulong River-Xiamen BayAbstract Pending

Zhang Jiaying, Tian Juan, Zhang Run*

#Session 3 - The nitrogen cycle towards a sustainable ocean: from microbes to global biogeochemistry

Heterotrophic nitrogen fixation in the South China SeaAbstract Pending

Zhang Run*, Tian Juan

#Session 3 - The nitrogen cycle towards a sustainable ocean: from microbes to global biogeochemistry

Carbon Sequestration Effect of Coastal Seaweed Ecosystems and Enhancement StrategiesAbstract Pending

Zhang Yongyu*

#Session 33 - Ocean Negative Carbon Emissions

Heat content variability of the tropical Indian Ocean induced by Indian Ocean DipoleAbstract Pending

Duan Jing, Li Yuanlong*, Lyu Yilong, Wang Fan

#Session 60 - Indian Ocean Dynamics, Air-sea Interaction and Biogeochemical Cycles

Scale matters: Contrasting microbiological responses to Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement at 50,000 and 50L scaleAbstract Pending

Liu Yuanhao, Wang Xuechao, Huang Xin, Niu Ruoyu, Shi Jiajia, Bai Ruqin, Qi Yifan, Hopwood Mark James, Hou Shengwei*

#Session 33 - Ocean Negative Carbon Emissions

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