Nitrogen isotope tracing the transformation of riverine dissolved organic nitrogen in semi-enclosed BayAbstract Pending

Wang Jiping, Xin Yu*

#Session 18 - The River-Estuary-Bay Continuum: Unveiling the Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles Under Global Change

Study on the distribution and regulation mechanism of pCO2 in the Bohai Sea in summerAbstract Pending

Yin Xiaomin, Deng Xue*, Wei Yawen, Liu Qian

#Session 13 - Coastal Environmental Ecology under anthropogenic activities and natural changes

The Intrinsic Timing Relationship between Tropical Cyclone Maximum Intensification Rate and Lifetime Maximum IntensityAbstract Pending

Xiong Qingyang, Wu Qiaoyan*

#Session 6 - Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: From Weather to Climate Scales

Arsenic migration and transformation behavior in marine ecosystemsAbstract Pending

Ye Zijun, Xiong Haiyan, Zhang Jichao, Huang Liping, Zhao Qianyu, Zhang Wei*

#Session 57 - Contaminants across the marine continuum: behavior, fate and ecological risk assessment

Quantifying the contribution of primary marine organic aerosolAbstract Pending

Xu Wei*, Ceburnis Darius, Ovadnevaite Jurgita, Lei Lu, Chen Baihua, Huang Ru-Jin

#Session 25 - IGAC-SOLAS: Chemistry and physics at surface ocean and lower atmosphere

Sources of mercury in the Mariana Trench since the Last DeglaciationAbstract Pending

Zhou Zhengwen, Wang Huiling, Xin Yu, Wang Yingjun, Liu Xiting, Tian Jiwei, Hintelmann Holger, Yin Yongguang, Liu Guangliang, Cai Yong, Li Yanbin*

#Session 10 - The biogeochemistry of trace metals in a changing ocean

Distribution and Influencing Factor of Manganese in Western North Pacific Subtropical GyreAbstract Pending

Yang Yichao, Ren Jingling*, Liu Qian, Zhang Jing, Zhang Ruifeng, Cai Yihua

#Session 10 - The biogeochemistry of trace metals in a changing ocean

Direct observational evidence of strong CO2 uptake in the Southern OceanAbstract Pending

Dong Yuanxu*, Bakker Dorothee, Bell Thomas, Yang Mingxi, Landschützer Peter, Hauck Judith, Rödenbeck Christian, Kitidis Vassilis, Bushinsky Seth, Liss Peter

#Session 25 - IGAC-SOLAS: Chemistry and physics at surface ocean and lower atmosphere

Behaviors of dissolved trace elements associated with humic dissolved organic matters of different origins in coastal seawaterAbstract Pending

Chen Xiaoyu, Kwon Hyeong Kyu, Kim Guebuem*, Kim Intae

#Session 10 - The biogeochemistry of trace metals in a changing ocean

Recent Emerging Shifts in Precipitation Intensity and Frequency in the Global Tropics Observed by Satellite Precipitation Data SetsAbstract Pending

Fu Yuxia*, Wu Qiaoyan

#Session 4 - Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Observations and Modeling

Tropical Cyclone Fullness and Outer Region Size Growth: the Role of Spatial Distribution of Very Deep ConvectionAbstract Pending

Hong Jiacheng*, Wu Qiaoyan

#Session 6 - Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: From Weather to Climate Scales

Modelling study on hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in estuarine environment: Two case studies in Yalu River Estuary and Batemans Bay in China and AustraliaAbstract Pending

Yang Gang*

#Session 24 - Estuaries and coastal environments stress - Observations and modelling

Expanded subsurface ocean anoxia in the Atlantic during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal MaximumAbstract Pending

Yao Weiqi*, Kong Tianshu, Wang Xingchen, Zhai Ruixiang, Zhang Ruiling, Liu Yilin

#Session 15 - Ocean deoxygenation: drivers, trends, and biogeochemical-ecosystem impacts

Comparative analysis of rights-based fisheries management: Enhancing global fisheries sustainability through use rights optimizationAbstract Pending

Zhao Xin*

#Session 61 - Advancing Blue Food Futures Towards Ocean Conservation and Global Resilience

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