Morphological Mapping of Intertidal Oyster Reefs based on UAV Photogrammetry and Deep LearningAbstract Accepted
Jiaquan Zhuang, Qian Yu*, Yunwei Wang
#Session 27 - Coastal environment evolution : from the past to the future
Iron acid dissolution in aged dust particles during dust long-range transport over inland regionsAbstract Accepted
minkang Zhi, Weijun Li*
#Session 25 - IGAC-SOLAS: Chemistry and physics at surface ocean and lower atmosphere
Unlocking protistan grazing on prokaryotes in the South China Sea: from the euphotic zone to mesopelagic watersAbstract Accepted
Dapeng Xu*
#Session 26 - Microbial activity drives elemental cycling in the deep ocean: from single-cell to community
Machine Learning Insights the Impact of Water Masses and Climate Change on Planktonic Archaeal Community Biogeography in the East China SeaAbstract Accepted
Wei Xie*, Ziya Lin
#Session 3 - The nitrogen cycle towards a sustainable ocean: from microbes to global biogeochemistry
Phylogenomic analysis revealed the genome fusion during secondary endosymbiosisAbstract Accepted
Li Guo, Guanpin Yang*
#Session 58 - Molecular approaches integrated with AI to Oceanography: from DNA to global-scale processes
Tropical cyclones related wind power on oceanic near‐inertial oscillationsAbstract Accepted
Sheng Lin, Yuntao Wang*, Wen-Zhou ZHANG, Qinbiao Ni, Fei Chai
#Session 6 - Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: From Weather to Climate Scales
Protozoan-driven toxin production in Pseudo-nitzschia and its ecological impact on the marine ecosystemAbstract Accepted
Shuwen Zhang*
#Session 12 - Alleviating the impact of emerging Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) to coastal ecosystems and seafood safety for a sustainable and healthy Ocean
Accelerated warming of High Mountain Asia predicted at multiple years aheadAbstract Accepted
Shuai Hu*
#Session 20 - Decadal Climate Variability: Key Processes of Air-Sea Interaction, Mechanisms and Predictability
The ultimate drivers of extreme temperature rise during the Permian-Triassic hyperthermal eventAbstract Accepted
Yuyang Wu*, Haijun Song, Daoliang Chu, Ying Cui, Jinnan Tong, Jacopo Dal Corso, Andy Ridgwell
#Session 42 - Deep-time ocean and climate changes: insights from models and proxies
A review of the biological carbon pump in the South China SeaAbstract Accepted
Bangqin Huang*, Chao Xu, Yibin Huang, Wupeng Xiao, Xin Liu
#Session 28 - Towards a Holistic Understanding of the Ocean's Biological Carbon Pump
Enhanced Grazing on Phytoplankton under Elevated pCO2 Promotes DOC Production and Bacterial Abundance: Insights from a Mesocosm StudyAbstract Accepted
Xiangqi Yi, Gao Kunshan*
#Session 9 - Global Ocean Changes: Regional Processes and Ecological Impacts
Ancient Tunnel Valleys in the George V Basin of Wilkes Land margin: insight for early glaciation of East AntarcticaAbstract Accepted
Xiaoxia Huang*, Laura De Santis, Zijian Xiao, Riccardo Geletti, Walter Bohm
#Session 27 - Coastal environment evolution : from the past to the future
Phosphorus accumulation by seabird nesting changes soil microbial communities and biogeochemical cycles of a subtropical islandAbstract Accepted
Dandan Long, Hongyou Hu, Xiaofeng Lin*
#Session 13 - Coastal Environmental Ecology under anthropogenic activities and natural changes
Carbonate system variability in Southeast Asia's Sunda Shelf Sea: a 6-year time series from the Singapore StraitAbstract Accepted
A'an Johan Wahyudi, Yuan Chen, Meilun Zhang, Bernhard Mayer, Oon Yee Woo, Jani T.I. Tanzil, Patrick Martin*
#Session 9 - Global Ocean Changes: Regional Processes and Ecological Impacts
Frontal Subduction and its Influences on the Phytoplankton Distributions on the Norwegian Sea SlopeAbstract Accepted
Yanlin Wang, Zhaoru Zhang*, Lixin Qu, Yisen Zhong, Meng Zhou, Walker Orson Smith, Sünnje Linnéa Basedow
#Session 46 - Oceanic Mesoscale and Submesoscale Processes: Characteristics, Dynamics & Parameterizations