Recent changes in global ocean N2O emissions and their attribution to climate modes of variability
Poster Presentation
2025-01-15 17:20 (China Standard Time)
Session:Session 11-Recent Advances in Modelling the Ocean Carbon Cycle Across Scales
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a long-lived potent greenhouse gas with the Global Warming Potential (GWP) ~300 times higher than that of CO2. So far, the global estimation of oceanic N2O flux remains highly uncertain due to poorly spatial-temporal coverage of historical measurements (1.8-9.4 Tg N/yr). To improve the global oceanic N2O emission estimation, better quantify its spatial-temporal variability, and gain insights into the driving mechanisms in the world’s oceans, we employed a global coupled ocean circulation-biogeochemistry model (ECCO-DARWIN). In the model, N2O production was parameterized as a function of O2 consumption and depth. Furthermore, the thermal and ventilation air-sea N2O fluxes were counted separately. We first run the model from 1992 to 2017 and compared the simulation results with the MEMENTO database. The model successfully captured the high subsurface N2O concentration in the tropical zone of the Atlantic Basin, while displaying low concentrations in the extratropical zone. In the Pacific ocean, the model reproduced the general pattern of high subsurface N2O from polar to tropical regions. In the Indian ocean, both the model and observations showed high N2O in the northern part. Overall, global N2O emission is ~2.43Tg N/yr, and the Eastern Tropical Pacific, Subtropical Indian and Southern Oceans emerged as N2O hotspots, represent more than 50% of global oceanic emissions. Furthermore, we investigated the dominant modes of N2O flux variability in 8 major ocean basins. The results indicated that detrended and deseasonalized air-sea N2O flux shows substantial regional variations, with frequencies aligning with major modes of climate variability (AMO, PDO, ENSO, and SAM). Correlation coefficients between these climatic indices and N2O flux in the frequency domain corresponded to as high as 0.9, 0.6, and 0.4 for the Tropical Pacific, Indian Ocean and Southern Ocean, respectively. The variability in the Tropical Pacific and Southern Ocean was equally influenced by thermal and ventilation, whereas the Indian Ocean are more driven by the ventilation. Our findings underscore the significant influence of nature variabilities on oceanic N2O emissions, which may help formulating effective management strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
N2O, global-ocean, biogeochemistry model