The Effect of Copper Limitation on Bioavailability of Cu-Organic Complexes
ID:972 Poster Presentation

2025-01-14 17:50 (China Standard Time)

Session:Session 10-The Biogeochemistry of Trace Metals in a Changing Ocean

We examined the bioavailability of synthetic organic Cu complexes (Cu-L) and inorganic Cu species (Cu') to Thalassiosira oceanica growing under Cu-limiting and Cu-inhibiting conditions. Bioavailability depended on Cu nutritional state and whether [Cu'] diffusion to the cell surface was sufficient to meet the cellular demands for growth. Under Cu limiting conditions when [Cu'] was less than the diffusion concentration threshold (DCT: 10-14.13 M), growth rate was a hyperbolic function of [Cu-L].  Increasing [Cu'] above the DCT caused growth rate to increase proportionally, but growth rate also increased with increasing [Cu-L] so that both Cu' and Cu-L were bioavailable.  Short-term photosynthesis assays conducted under Cu-limiting conditions showed a similar response to Cu speciation.  In contrast, growth rate of Cu-inhibited cells at high [Cu'] varied inversely with [Cu2+] ([Cu']) and was independent of [Cu-L], as previously reported.  The change in Cu-L bioavailability correlated with expression levels of genes encoding the reduction-dependent, high affinity Cu uptake pathway, which was regulated by Cu' availability.  Our analysis shows that at [Cu'] typical of the open sea, T. oceanica-like phytoplankton are diffusion limited and must rely on Cu-organic complexes to fulfill their Cu requirements for growth.
Copper, bioavailability, diatom, limitation, toxicity, Cu speciation
Meizhen Li
PhD, McGill University

Meizhen Li McGill University
Neil Price McGill University
Liangliang Kong Ocean University of China