Biogeochemical drivers of N2O dynamics along a river-estuary continuum: The critical role of N2O reduction in lowering emissions
ID:825 Poster Presentation

2025-01-14 21:20 (China Standard Time)

Session:Session 3-The Nitrogen Cycle Towards a Sustainable Ocean: From Microbes to Global Biogeochemistry

Despite extensive research on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in river and estuary ecosystems, the dynamics and drivers of N2O along the river-estuary continuum remain underexplored, even though these regions are closely linked in terms of N2O emissions. This study investigated the spatiotemporal variations of N2O and its key drivers along the Pearl River-estuary continuum over three seasons (spring, summer, and winter) using isotopocule measurements and microbial analyses. N2O saturation (89.9%-1238.6%) exhibited a hump-shaped pattern along the continuum, closely aligning with the distribution of the nighttime light index, indicating significant anthropogenic influences on N2O dynamics. Nitrate and dissolved oxygen consistently affected N2O saturation levels from the river to the estuary, while salinity exerted opposing effects—enhancing N2O saturation in the river but reducing it in the estuary. In the river, the nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio, associated with higher phosphorus levels and potentially stronger exogenous N2O inputs, dominated N2O dynamics. In contrast, the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio was more influential in the estuary. Water flow and salinity conditions also significantly shaped N2O dynamics, resulting in divergent trends of N2O saturation and flux along the continuum. Denitrification was the primary pathway of N2O production (93.9% - 98.6%) throughout the continuum, with nitrification contributing more in the estuary. N2O reduction consistently decreased N2O saturation levels, and the extent of N2O reduction increased with higher salinity levels from 1‰ to 35‰, where greater ratios of nosZII:nosZI were observed. This study reveals shifting N2O transformation pathways and drivers along the river-estuary continuum, which have significant implications for N2O estimates and the development of mitigation strategies in aquatic systems.
greenhouse gas, nitrogen cycle, aquatic system, salinity, biogeochemistry
Xinxiao Wu
Master, Guangdong University of Technology

Xinxiao Wu Guangdong University of Technology
Sibo Zhang Guangdong University of Technology