Turbulent heat exchange between Circumpolar Deep Water and Winter Water on the Amundsen Sea continental shelf, Antarctica
ID:670 Oral Presentation

2025-01-16 14:15 (China Standard Time)

Session:Session 70-Internal Waves and Ocean Mixing

The intrusion of Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) onto the Amundsen Sea continental shelf is a primary driver of basal melting and thinning of the West Antarctic ice shelves. The interaction between CDW and the overlying, near-freezing Winter Water (WW) on the continental shelf is thought to limit the heat that ultimately reaches the ice shelves. However, such interaction, and the processes underpinning it, remain little understood. In this study, we analyze over one hundred microstructure and finestructure profiles across the Amundsen Sea continental shelf. Our analysis indicates a strong correlation between microstructure turbulent kinetic energy dissipation and the finescale horizontal kinetic energy (HKE) associated with internal waves, suggesting that wave breaking is key to turbulence production in the region. Exploiting this relationship, we construct a 2-year time series of finescale HKE and turbulent dissipation from a mooring dataset acquired at the Pine Island-Thwaites West (PITW) trough. The time series reveals a distinct seasonal signal, with a range spanning one order of magnitude and diverse drivers. By combining a regional numerical model with the mooring diagnostics, we then estimate the turbulent diapycnal diffusivity and associated vertical heat flux between CDW and WW at the PITW trough. This provides insight into the heat loss experienced by CDW on its pathway toward the ice shelves.
mixing, turbulence, heat transfer, Southern Ocean
Xingchi Wang
Dr., University of Southampton

Xingchi Wang University of Southampton