Exploring the externally forced sea-level signal and natural variability in the Pacific Ocean during the altimeter-eraAbstract Accepted
ruhui huang, Xuebin Zhang, John Church, Jianyu HU*
#Session 23 - Sea level rise: understanding, observing, and modelling
Effect of the Variable Kuroshio Intrusion Pathway on Deep Flow in the Northern South China SeaAbstract Accepted
Qi Quan*
#Session 35 - Eddy variability in the ocean and atmosphere: dynamics, parameterization and prediction
Isotopic composition of nitrate in the Western Pacific Ocean: Biogeochemical signals and their transportAbstract Accepted
Wentao Wang, Zhiming Yu*, Xiuxian Song, Yongquan Yuan
#Session 3 - The Nitrogen Cycle Towards a Sustainable Ocean: From Microbes to Global Biogeochemistry
Exploring incorporation of DIC by heterotrophic prokaryotes: a key process in deep/dark ocean microbial carbon cyclingAbstract Accepted
Wenchao Deng, Yao Zhang*, Nianzhi Jiao
#Session 26 - Microbial activity drives elemental cycling in the deep ocean: from single-cell to community
Geomorphic evolution of the Yangtze submarine shoal: Artificial and natural impactsAbstract Accepted
Haifei Yang*
#Session 17 - Advances in Coastal Hydrodynamics and Sediment Dynamics for a Sustainable Ocean
Distribution control and environmental fate of PFAS in the offshore region adjacent to the Yangtze River Estuary-a study combing multiple phases analysisAbstract Accepted
Yan Zhao*, Tongzhu Han, Bo Li, Luying Li
#Session 51 - The changing coastal environment: from Land-sourced pollution to marine ecological risk
Deep Atlantic Multidecadal VariabilityAbstract Accepted
Jiajun Yang, Jianping Li*, Qirong An
#Session 20 - Decadal Climate Variability: Key Processes of Air-Sea Interaction, Mechanisms and Predictability
The mechanism of boron incorporation into foraminifera: Insights from numerical modelingAbstract Accepted
Na Qian, Shuo Zhang*
#Session 53 - Geological analogues for future warm ocean and climate
Ocean warming enhances iron use efficiencies of marine ammonia-oxidizing archaeaAbstract Accepted
Lei Hou, Wei Qin*
#Session 3 - The Nitrogen Cycle Towards a Sustainable Ocean: From Microbes to Global Biogeochemistry
The Effect of Copper Limitation on Bioavailability of Cu-Organic ComplexesAbstract Accepted
Meizhen Li, Neil Price*, Liangliang Kong
#Session 10 - The biogeochemistry of trace metals in a changing ocean
Continuous atmospheric nitrous oxide measurements quantify marine emissions variability in association with El NiñoAbstract Accepted
Andrew Babbin*, Timur Cinay
#Session 3 - The Nitrogen Cycle Towards a Sustainable Ocean: From Microbes to Global Biogeochemistry
An inter-comparison of the global ocean gridded dissolved oxygen data productsAbstract Accepted
JUAN DU*, Lijing Cheng, Takamitsu Ito, Hernan E. Garcia, Zhankun Wang, Johnson Sharp, Christopher Roach, Shoshiro Minobe, Siv K. Lauvset, Seth Bushinsky, Zachary Nachod
#Session 15 - Ocean deoxygenation: drivers, trends, and biogeochemical-ecosystem impacts
Dynamics of a prolonged Tripos furca blooms in the Penang Strait: environmental drivers, genetic shifts, and aquaculture implicationsAbstract Accepted
Nur Fatihah Mohd Azmi*, Kieng Soon Hii, Siti Nursyuhada Baharudin, NUR SYAZWANI KASSIM, Roziawati Mohd Razali, Minlu Liu, Haifeng Gu, Chui Pin Leaw, Po Teen Lim
#Session 12 - Alleviating the impact of emerging Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) to coastal ecosystems and seafood safety for a sustainable and healthy Ocean
Harmful heterotrophic dinoflagellates associated with mortality in tropical shrimp pondsAbstract Accepted
Siti Nursyuhada Baharudin*, Chui Pin Leaw, Po Teen Lim, Kieng Soon Hii, Nur Fatihah Mohd Azmi, NUR SYAZWANI KASSIM, Haifeng Gu, Minlu Liu
#Session 12 - Alleviating the impact of emerging Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) to coastal ecosystems and seafood safety for a sustainable and healthy Ocean
The Rapidly Weakening Subsurface Western Boundary Currents in the Northern Hemisphere under Global WarmingAbstract Accepted
Jinzhuo Cai*
#Session 44 - Western Boundary Currents, Eddies and Their Impacts on Multi-disciplinary Aspects