1315 / 2024-09-21 10:13:15
Ocean Negative Carbon Emissions (ONCE): Approaches and practices
Ocean Negative Carbon Emissions (ONCE),Microbial Carbon Pump (MCP),Carbon sequestration,Carbon Neutrality
Session 33 - Ocean Negative Carbon Emissions
Abstract Accepted
Nianzhi Jiao / Xiamen University
Global Ocean Negative Carbon Emissions (Global-ONCE) is a 10-year research program endorsed in June 2022 under the UN Decade for Ocean Science for Sustainable Development The objective of Global ONCE is to provide data, knowledge and best practices in the application of ONCE approaches towards achieving the global strategy of carbon neutrality by mid-century. All the mechanisms for carbon sequestration in the ocean [Biological Carbon Pump (BCP), Carbonate Counter Pump (CCP), Microbial Carbon Pump (MCP), Solubility Carbon Pump (SCP)] are considered to be integrated as BCP-CCP-MCP-SCP (BCMS) for maximum potential of carbon sink and sustainable development. The ONCE approaches include not only the well-known individual techniques but also comprehensive ecoengineering practices such as mariculture manipulation technologies, enhancement of alkalinity in waste water treatment effluents, microalgal biomass production and CO2 sequestration using ocean-based floating photobioreactors, sensor development, numerical modelling, observation and simulation experimental facilities, and expert exchange and science education programs.